We help founders prototype businesses, without code
Supersonic launch
Start selling your new product 10x faster than normal. show it online with a 4-weeks launch guarantee.
High quality
Get the exact solution. our team of multi-faceted builders with 36 years of overall experience always meets clients’ expectations.
Zero code
We use a set of tools without code to build a custom solution for you. we build with custom code if it’s necessary.
How we work:
Let’s say you’ve come up with an idea of a platform to place ads inside apartments
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We make 1-day internet research to understand if there are any competitors
We design several simple pre-launch landing pages, each testing one of the hypothesizes we arrive at during the previous phase, for example:
We drive traffic through designed marketing campaigns and test each of the hypothesizes
We apply obtained data to create a business model canvas and unit economic analysis
We design mockups, branding, and write your core offer.
We connect specially selected no-code tools for your product and deliver it according to the designed business model.
We raise funds for your product to scale.
When there is a proven demand and you have at least 1000 placements of ad screens and ad sales that create positive EBITDA after your first year.
Hypothesis A: habitants are willing to put the ads screens anywhere in their apartments and get paid weekly

Hypothesis B: rentiers are willing to put the ads screens in their rental apartments and get paid monthly.

Hypothesis C: habitats will be willing to put ad screens in their apartments only in the restroom and if they are paid at least €500 monthly.
Our Numbers:
landing pages
We worked with:
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Narva Mnt 7 Tallin, Estonia, 10117
+44 20 8089 1189
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